Register for Transportation

Have you registered for transportation for the upcoming 2024/25 school year?


School Councils

Volunteering for your school council is one of the most meaningful ways to make a difference in your school community!

School councils are collective associations of parents/guardians, teachers, principals, staff, students and community members. They foster cooperation and enhance student learning by promoting the well-being and effectiveness of the entire school community.

School councils provide valuable advisory assistance to the school principal and the division Board of Trustees. We highly encourage parents and guardians to participate in their school council meetings.

To find the next meeting date, please contact your child’s school.

School Council Support

There are many supports available for school council members and even more for the council chair or vice-chair. Here are a few to get started.

Alberta School Councils' Association

This Association exists only to support School Councils and to bring forward all ideas or concerns from Councils to the Alberta Government. Sturgeon Public Schools pays for a membership with this association for the Chair of all our School Councils. This gives access to more resources and also includes registration for the annual general meeting.

Sturgeon Public School Council Hub

This website contains information regarding our current School Councils, the agenda and notes from our Council of School Council (COSC) meetings and more! Check it out and please suggest any pages or support that might be missing!

Alberta School Council Engagement (ASCE) Grant

The Alberta government continues to support School Councils through the Alberta School Council Engagement (ASCE) Grant. This grant enhances collaboration between parents and schools on education priorities, and gives Councils access to $500 each year. The purpose of this funding is to support school councils fulfilling their legislated responsibilities in the education system and enhancing parent involvement and engagement.